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Writer vs. Writer: Gracie C. McKeever

Who doesn't love good erotica? Today, we will talk to a native New Yorker, Gracie C. McKeever who has been writing since the ripe old age of seven when two younger brothers were among her earliest, captive audience for various short story readings and performances. She has since authored several decidedly more grown-up novels, novellas, and series most of which can be found at Siren Publishing under multiple sub-genres beneath the erotic romance umbrella. If you love erotica with BDSM, LGBTQ, Interracial, Historical, Ménage, Paranormal and Western keep on reading.

Hello Gracie. I’m glad to have you here for this interview. First thing first, what do you write? What genre and why are you interested in this specific form of writing?

Hello, Neda, thank you for having me here. I write romance and several sub-genres, including erotic romance. The simple answer to why I’m interested in romance is that I love happily ever afters. No matter how much trauma or tragedy I put my characters through, in the end, they always get their happily ever after.

When did you find yourself attracted to writing? When did you stop seeing it as a hobby?

I’ve been writing since I was a child, about seven years old. I’ve always loved to write, probably as much as I loved to read. The idea of creating a story that someone would someday enjoy as much as I enjoyed the stories I read was appealing. I suppose I stopped seeing writing as a hobby when I started to get paid, specifically receiving royalties for my published novels.

I can relate. So, you’re publishing your works online since 1998. Can you tell us about that? How much has your publishing process changed since then?

Wow, that’s an interesting question, Neda. When I finished New Life Incognita and started shopping it around, e-publishing was in its infancy. I believe there were three main e-pubs around at the time. After numerous rejections from the larger mainstream print publishers and agents, I decided to try a different route and ultimately placed NLI with Dreams Unlimited, a paranormal romance e-publisher that had been out less than a year. From there, I never really looked back and have published all of my books with e-publishers with very little variation. Siren Publishing, the publisher of the bulk of my current work and also less than a year old when I placed my first erotic romance, Beneath the Surface, with them, used to make some of their titles available in trade paperback and there are probably some print versions of my titles available with various sites like e-Bay, but for the most part, all of my work is available exclusively electronically.

That's very interesting. It brings up another question. What’s the difference between romance and erotic romance? And do you have a favorite author in this genre?

That’s a good question. I think the main difference is the heat level of the sex scenes. All erotic romance has open-door sex scenes, but open-door sex scenes don’t necessarily make a romance erotic. The coarseness of the language and the explicitness of the sexual situations are what separate romance from erotic romance. Erotic romance is a lot more graphic and in some cases raunchier than romance. It’s difficult to name just one erotic romance author as a favorite. I have so many, but Joey W. Hill, especially for how she handles BDSM themes, and Shannon McKenna. I’ve read several series by each of these authors and love every one of them.

Was it difficult to write your first erotica? Was there anything you had to fight against to be able to write?

I had read several erotic romance titles and loved them before I decided that I was ready to write one of my own. Writing my first erotic romance, Beneath the Surface, actually came kind of easily and was a natural progression from my previous romances. I still had to make the characters multi-dimensional and relatable. I was still dealing with a hero and heroine who fell in love with each other. I was still dealing with some of my favorite themes of healing, forgiveness and redemption. I was still dealing with my favorite paranormal element of psychic gifts. I just had to change my mind-set and give my characters free rein to be themselves and express themselves freely in the bedroom without letting any of my own reservations get in the way. Once Pandora’s box was open, there was no closing it, LOL

That's hilarious and true. Well, you wrote quite a lot. How do you manage your time for writing and where do you mostly find the ideas for your next book?

I write wherever and whenever I can. On my commute into work, during breaks, on weekends. The ideas for my next book usually come from my previous books since I’m mostly writing series, LOL. Of course, I also get my ideas from life—my own and what’s going on in the world around me, especially as regards my contemporary books.

I understand. Tell us about your writing routines.

Since all of my books are character-driven, I always start with my characters, getting to know them, finding out who and what they are professionally, in their off time, finding out what they like, what they hate, who they love. My routine usually involves research – online and in several reference books – character-building and some outlining. Depending on the book and how loud the characters are clamoring to get started I am a little bit of a pantser and a bit of an outliner.

Me too. For me first the character and her adventure should be set before anything else. What tools and platforms do you use for marketing, advertising and selling?

I do most of my marketing online -- Facebook, Twitter – interviews, advertising to and through book clubs, book reviews, appearing on podcasts, etc.).

Yeah, the power of social media. Last question. What’s your advice for new writers in this genre?

It may be a cliché, but writing for this genre, for any genre, I’d advise to love what you’re writing. Don’t write for the market, because the market changes. Eventually, what you’re writing will be exactly what publishers are looking for. Finally, and especially, don’t give up.

I totally agree and thank you for your time with us. I am sure you not only inspired me to write erotica, but you inspired all our readers.

If you would like to get in touch with Gracie or check out her books here are some links for you:

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