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Writer's pictureNeda Aria

Abortion Policies and Tactics of Media Manipulation Unveiled – Are Are You Falling for Them?

In a nation that prides itself on values of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, the abortion debate has become a contentious battleground where deeply held beliefs and the interests of capitalism collide. The recent discussion surrounding the cost of childbirth in the United States, coupled with the legality of abortion, raises thought-provoking questions about the true motives behind protecting children and the pro-life stance. Is this really a matter of safeguarding the sanctity of life, or is it a business-driven scheme masked by moral concerns? I'm gonna answer that!

The Cost of Childbirth: A Capitalistic Conundrum

Recent data reveals that the average cost of childbirth in the United States can be as high as $30,000, depending on the type of delivery and individual circumstances. This staggering price tag raises concerns about equitable access to healthcare and puts forth a glaring juxtaposition between the nation's claim to prioritize children's lives and the capitalist healthcare system's relentless pursuit of profit. Based on a report by Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, 2022 these costs are based on large group health insurance plans:

  • Vaginal deliveries, which are often considered the more cost-effective option, still come with a hefty price tag of around $14,768 on average.

  • Cesarean sections, while sometimes medically necessary, can cost up to a staggering $26,280.

These exorbitant figures illuminate a stark reality where childbirth, a natural and essential process, has been transformed into a commodity to be capitalized upon.

Abortion Policies and the Pro-Life Mask

In this landscape, the question of whether the laws surrounding abortion genuinely prioritize the sanctity of life or cater to a capitalist agenda becomes pertinent. The argument for "pro-life" policies often centers around protecting unborn children and their rights. However, a critical examination reveals that these policies may not be as altruistic as they seem. As New York Times in an article 'Abortion Is a Business Issue' explains abortion's impact on business, with women comprising much of the workforce, contrasts with its divisive nature. Many companies remain quiet due to fears of alienating stakeholders. Some, like Apple and Amazon, support abortion-related policies, while others, including Walmart and Disney, have yet to comment. The clash extends to states enacting abortion bans while courting businesses. The issue's complexity and its intersection with politics and talent acquisition contribute to the corporate world's cautious stance.

Fortune on the other hand in an article 'The business case for abortion care policies' discuss companies such as Patagonia and Dick's Sporting Goods have unveiled abortion care policies. While their actions drew both support and skepticism, the decision's influence on employees compelled their involvement. The economic toll of state-level abortion restrictions is evident, amounting to a $105 billion cost in reduced earnings, high turnover, and absences. Eliminating these restrictions could have boosted private sector growth by nearly 10%. For employees in states with abortion bans, difficult choices await, with lower-wage workers disproportionately affected. Balancing economic interests with social responsibility is key, as failure to implement meaningful abortion care policies may lead to employee loss, recruitment challenges, and financial setbacks for corporations and startups.

By making abortion illegal or imposing significant restrictions, governments effectively control women's reproductive choices. This control over reproduction grants authorities the power to ensure a steady influx of potential consumers and workers, sustaining the capitalist machinery. It is worth considering whether such policies truly value life or if they merely contribute to a larger system designed to generate profit by expanding the population and ensuring a constant supply of labor.

Capitalism's Manipulation of Masses: The Profitable Ploy

Capitalism has a remarkable ability to mold public perceptions and attitudes to its advantage. It often employs strategies that manipulate emotional triggers and moral values to justify its actions. Some historical examples of how capitalism has utilized strategies to shape public perceptions and attitudes to its benefit by manipulating emotional triggers and moral values are:

  1. Tobacco Industry Manipulation: In the mid-20th century, the tobacco industry employed marketing tactics that downplayed the health risks of smoking. By using images of doctors and creating a sense of sophistication and independence, they manipulated emotional triggers and societal values to maintain and expand their customer base. This manipulation only came to light as scientific evidence mounted against tobacco's health hazards. (source)

  2. Fast Food Advertising: The fast food industry has historically used appealing advertisements that target children, invoking emotions of happiness and excitement. Through catchy jingles and colorful mascots, companies have associated their products with family values and joy, despite concerns about the health implications of excessive fast food consumption. (source)

  3. Environmental Exploitation: Capitalism often exploits natural resources without addressing the environmental consequences. Oil companies, for instance, have used patriotic and economic rhetoric to justify their actions, claiming that their activities support national prosperity and energy independence. This tactic can downplay concerns about ecological damage. (source)

  4. Labor Exploitation: During the Industrial Revolution, capitalist ventures often exploited workers by subjecting them to unsafe and dehumanizing conditions. To justify this, proponents of capitalism sometimes argued that harsh working conditions were necessary for economic progress and societal advancement, appealing to the values of progress and self-reliance. (source)

  5. Pharmaceutical Marketing: The pharmaceutical industry often employs emotional triggers and moral values to market their products. By portraying medications as solutions to personal and health challenges, they tap into societal desires for well-being and a better quality of life, sometimes obscuring the potential risks and costs associated with certain medications. (source)

  6. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Some companies use CSR initiatives to project an image of social responsibility and ethical practices, even if their core business activities may raise ethical concerns. This strategy appeals to consumers' desire to support morally conscious companies while potentially diverting attention from other aspects of their operations. (source)

In case of childbirth costs and abortion policies, capitalism cleverly exploits the notion of protecting life, evoking emotions and sentiments that resonate deeply with the masses. (source). By positioning itself as the guardian of life, capitalism masks its underlying motives. It effectively creates a narrative where dissent against policies or practices can be perceived as an affront to life itself. In this way, any critique of the exorbitant costs associated with childbirth or the limitations on abortion can be swiftly dismissed as opposition to a supposed higher moral ground. So is it the matter of profit or life?

Critics argue that certain anti-abortion policies might not be as much about protecting life as they are about maintaining control and profit. (source) The confluence of high childbirth costs, restricted access to abortion, and the complexities of the healthcare industry could be seen as a strategic way to ensure a continuous stream of revenue for medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies. By limiting alternatives, such as safe and legal abortion options, these entities could potentially secure a captive market that's compelled to navigate expensive childbirth procedures. As a person, where is your position?

Media Manipulation: Dividing the Masses and Distracting from the Truth

Media manipulation has become a potent tool for shaping public opinion, influencing beliefs, and diverting attention from critical issues. Through propaganda and the art of division, those with vested interests can manipulate the masses, fostering a climate where truth becomes obscured and power consolidated. Here is 5 mechanics of media manipulation and how the strategy of creating divisions within society serves to distract people from the truth:

  1. Manufacturing Consent: Media manipulation often operates by framing narratives and controlling the discourse around key issues. By controlling the stories that gain prominence, media outlets can influence the collective mindset, molding opinions in favor of certain agendas. This process, as described by media scholar Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman, involves "manufacturing consent" – shaping public consent through the careful selection of information, emphasizing certain aspects while downplaying others.

  2. Creating Dichotomies: One effective way to manipulate the masses is to create dichotomies, such as "us versus them" narratives. These divisions can be along lines of political affiliation, race, religion, or other socio-cultural factors. By pitting different groups against each other, attention is shifted away from systemic issues or those in power. People become so engrossed in defending their "side" that they lose sight of the broader realities or the actual motives driving those in control.

  3. Echo Chambers and Confirmation Bias: Social media has intensified the impact of media manipulation by enabling the creation of echo chambers – spaces where individuals are exposed primarily to information that aligns with their existing beliefs. This fosters confirmation bias, where people seek out information that reinforces their viewpoints and reject contradictory evidence. This fragmentation of information consumption contributes to polarized societies and hinders critical thinking.

  4. Manufactured Outrage and Emotional Manipulation: Media manipulation often involves evoking strong emotions to trigger reactions. By amplifying certain incidents or opinions, media outlets can stoke outrage or fear, prompting immediate emotional responses from the public. These heightened emotions can cloud rational judgment and hinder nuanced discussions about complex issues. The focus shifts from a pursuit of truth to a desire for emotional catharsis.

  5. Distracting from Systemic Issues: One of the most insidious aspects of media manipulation is its ability to distract from systemic problems. By focusing public attention on sensationalist stories or personal scandals, media outlets divert the masses' focus away from more significant issues, such as economic inequality, corporate influence, and the erosion of civil liberties. This serves the interests of those in power by keeping them shielded from scrutiny.

  6. The Illusion of Choice: In a world of information overload, the illusion of choice can be deceptive. Media outlets may present varying perspectives, but often within a narrow range that serves a particular narrative. This perpetuates the idea that people have diverse options for information, while subtly guiding them toward predetermined conclusions.

I created a test to help you evaluate whether you easily fall for such propaganda. Check below:

So I believe that to unravel the complexities of abortion policies and childbirth costs, it is imperative to look beyond the surface rhetoric and question the motives that drive them. The interplay between capitalism and moral values can be intricate and deceptive, often concealing true intentions. As a society, it is crucial to engage in critical discourse, acknowledge the manipulation at play, and strive for a healthcare system that genuinely prioritizes well-being over profit.

In conclusion, while the notion of protecting children's lives appears noble on the surface, a deeper analysis suggests that profit-driven motives may play a significant role in shaping these policies. To achieve a more equitable and morally transparent society, it is vital to critically examine the systems at play and work towards healthcare and reproductive policies that prioritize the well-being of individuals over economic gains.

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